Figure 3.
Phenotype of kfo and nco plants is determined by F3′H and CHI genotypes. (a) Representative photos, to scale, and genotyping chromatograms of wild type and yellow-green nco mutants. CHI homozygous recessive mutant genotype results in mutant yellow-green phenotype. Heterozygous and homozygous wild type genotypes result in wild type red phenotype. (b) Representative photos, to scale, and genotyping chromatograms of wild type and pink-green mutant kfoA line plants. F3′H splice site homozygous mutant genotype results in mutant pink-green phenotype. Heterozygous and homozygous wild type genotypes result in wild type red phenotype. Genotypes: +/+, homozygous wild type; +/M, heterozygous mutant; M/M, homozygous mutant. Note single peak in homozygotes, and double peak in heterozygotes at SNP site. Fifteen-week-old plants are shown, grown under cool fluorescent lights in identical conditions.