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. 2019 Mar 1;14:19. doi: 10.1186/s13012-019-0854-x

Table 2.

Variable description

Variable Survey question
Dependent Variables
 Consults dental peer-reviewed journals Consults at least one of the following peer-reviewed dental journals: Journal of the American Dental Association, General Dentistry, Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry, other dental peer-reviewed (coded from open-ended responses).
 Range of peer-reviewed journals consulted Which of the following journals or publications do you typically consult in instances when you do not have sufficient information to treat or advise patients? Sum of items: Journal of the American Dental Association, General Dentistry, Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry, other dental peer-reviewed (coded from open-ended responses).
 Range of other published sources consulted Which of the following journals or publications do you typically consult in instances when you do not have sufficient information to treat or advise patients? Sum of items: American Dental Association News, Dentistry Today, Inside Dentistry, other non-peer-reviewed (coded from open-ended responses)
 Proportional mix of peer-reviewed journals and other published sources E-I Index formula: (range of other published sources consulted − range of peer-reviewed journals consulted)/(range of other published sources consulted + range of peer-reviewed journals consulted)
Independent variables
 Clinical setting
  Solo practitioner How many of the following, including yourself, work in your practice? (response = 1)
(Dentist may work in private or other practice setting)
  Dentist practices full-time Do you work: full-time (1); part-time (0)
  Dentist practices in one office Do you work in: one office (1); multiple offices (0)
  Number of complex procedures routinely conducted Please indicate the frequency with which you personally perform the following procedures in a typical month (not at all, occasionally, routinely). Sum of respondent responses indicating that the following procedures were conducted routinely: (implants (prosthetic and surgical procedures for implants), periodontal therapy (surgical), endodontic therapy (surgical), endodontic therapy (molars), orthodontic treatment)
  Number of standard procedures routinely conducted Please indicate the frequency with which you personally perform the following procedures in a typical month (not at all, occasionally, routinely). Sum of respondent responses indicating that the following procedures were conducted routinely: (non-implant restorative (amalgams, composites, crowns, veneers, bridges, posts, foundations, etc), removable prosthetics (full and partial dentures), extractions (surgical and non-surgical), periodontal therapy (non-surgical, includes scaling/root planning), procedures for esthetic reasons only (composites, crowns, veneers, etc.), endodontic therapy (anteriors/pre-molars)).
  Number of patients per week On average, how many patients (both operative and hygiene combined) are seen overall in your practice per week? (1 = less than 21 patients, 2 = 21–30 patients, 3 = 31–40 patients, 4 = 41–50 patients, 5 = 51–60 patients, 6 = 61 patients or more)
  Practice in rural area Office located in county not adjacent to county with major metropolitan center
 Human capital/PBRN skills motivation
  Advanced training Completed either: FAGD, MAGD, GPR, AEGD, other advanced training (open-ended)
  Research experience Since you graduated from dental school, have you: (responded to at least one) (led a clinical study, worked on a clinical study team, personally applied for research funding)
  PBRN skill motive How important were the following reasons in your decision to enroll in the National Dental PBRN? (Learn about new techniques or activities relevant to: (answered “very important” to one of the following:
learn about new techniques or activities relevant to my clinical practice, learn about new techniques or activities relevant to my practice management))
  Professional age Years since dental school graduation
  Female dentist Are you: (male, female)
  Under-represented minority dentist Are you: (binary variable for affirmative responses for: Hispanic, African American, or Native American)