Functional importance of hypT (WP_000383509) from S. Typhimurium. (A) Viabilities of the ΔrclR strain and ΔhypT (WP_000383509)/ΔrclR strain depending on the concentration of HOCl. Error bars represent the SD (N.D., not detected). (B) Survival of Salmonella strains in RAW264.7 murine macrophage cell line. Wild-type strain (wt), the hypT-deleted strain (ΔhypT), and the hypT-deleted strain harboring pUHE21-2lacIq::hypT (ΔhypT+pHypT) were added to monolayer of RAW264.7 cells at a multiplicity of infection of 10. After 30 min, 0, 8, or 24 h after infection, intracellular bacteria were plated for enumeration. Each strain was tested in triplicate, and the average cfu·mL−1 was calculated. Asterisks indicate statistical significance (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001) by unpaired t test comparing the ΔhypT to the wild-type strain.