HFC diet-induced complement activation is CFH variant independent. (A–D) Densitometric analysis of CFH (A), FB (B), C3/C3b/iC3b (C), and iC3b (D) immunoblots of plasmas from aged CFH∼ND and ∼HFC mice after fasting. Plasma CFH, FB, and C3/C3b/iC3b significantly increased in fasted CFH-Y/0∼HFC and CFH-H/H∼HFC mice compared with ND-fed controls but were no differences in the levels between the genotypes after HFC diet treatment (n = 4). (D) Plasma samples were reduced before loading to quantitate iC3b levels (n = 8). Both CFH-Y/0∼HFC and CFH-H/H∼HFC mice had significantly increased levels of plasma iC3b compared with ND fed controls and show similar levels of plasma complement activation between these genotypes after HFC diet. (E and F) Densitometric analysis of FB (E) and C3/C3b/iC3b (F) immunoblots of eyecups (RPE/BrM/choroid/sclera) from fasted, aged CFH∼ND and ∼HFC mice (n = 7). FB levels were significantly higher in fasted CFH-Y/0∼HFC and CFH-H/H∼HFC mice compared with ND fed controls but not different between the genotypes on an HFC diet. Interestingly, no statistically significant differences in the C3/C3b/iC3b levels were detected between the genotypes on ND versus HFC diet (n = 7). *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01 post hoc Tukey following a significant genotype by diet interaction by ANOVA for the densitometric arbitrary units. Data are presented as mean ± SD.