Fig. 4.
Plasma lipoprotein levels are CFH variant dependent. (A) Total plasma cholesterol from fasted, aged CFH∼ND and ∼HFC mice. Both aged CFH-Y/0∼HFC (n = 11) and CFH-H/H∼HFC (n = 11) mice have statistically significant higher plasma cholesterol than age-matched CFH-Y/0∼ND (n = 8) and CFH-H/H∼HFC (n = 8) mice, respectively. Aged CFH-H/H∼HFC mice have statistically lower plasma cholesterol compared with aged CFH-Y/0∼HFC mice. (B and C) FPLC fractionation of plasma from fasted CFH∼HFC mice. (B) Following the HFC diet, cholesterol was detected in fractions corresponding to CMs/ VLDLs, LDLs, and HDLs. LDL fractions 17–21 and 25 were statistically higher in aged CFH-Y/0∼HFC mice (blue) compared with aged CFH-H/H∼HFC mice (pink). (C) The area under the fractionated lipoprotein curve were calculated for each lipoprotein class and confirmed higher plasma LDL levels in aged CFH-Y/0 mice after diet. (D–G) Densitometric analysis of plasma ApoB48 (D), ApoB100 (E), ApoE (F), and ApoA1 (G) immunoblots of fasted, aged CFH∼ND, and ∼HFC mice (n = 8–12). ApoB48 levels were increased in both aged CFH∼HFC murine lines after HFC diet but no difference was observed between genotypes. ApoB100 was significantly higher in aged CFH-Y/0∼HFC mice compared with aged CFH-Y/0∼ND but was unchanged in CFH-H/H mice on ND or HFC diet. ApoE increased in both aged CFH mice lines on HFC diet compared with ND fed controls but aged CFH-Y/0∼HFC mice had higher levels of ApoE than CFH-H/H∼HFC mice. ApoA1 was unchanged in both genotypes after HFC diet. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 post hoc Tukey, respectively, following a significant genotype by diet interaction by ANOVA. Data are presented as mean ± SEM (A–C) and mean ± SD (D–G).