Sequential disfacilitation of glutamatergic drive to the Retrotrapezoid Nucleus (RTN), Bötzinger Complex (BötC) and preBötzinger Complex (preBötC). A: Phrenic neurogram (PNG) tracings show that bilateral NBQX and AP5 injections into the RTN did not have a significant effect on rate; injections into the BötC increased respiratory rate, and subsequent injections into the preBötC caused tonic inspiratory activity that was interrupted by expiratory activity at irregular intervals. Peak phrenic activity was normalized to control. B-E: Pooled data for NBQX and AP5 injections into the RTN, BötC and preBötC in 7 and into the BötC and preBötC in 5 animals. See text for details. Box plots (median, 25–75% range) plus individual data points. *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01, ***: p<0.001