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. 2019 Jan 21;10(3):413–420. doi: 10.1111/1759-7714.12978

Table 2.

Previous studies regarding prognostic significance of 18F‐fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography parameters in pathological stage I non‐small cell lung cancer (>100 patients)

Author/year No. patients (% ADC) pStage (% pStage IA) PET parameters Outcome Cut‐off value of PET parameters Findings
Park SY/2015 248 (79%) IA (100%) SUVmax, MTV, TLG OS, DFS 3.7 (SUVmax), 13.76 (TLG) TLG was more strongly associated with OS and DFS compared to SUVmax and MTV
Ko KH/2015 145 (90%) IA (100%) SUVmax DFS 2.5 MTV and TLG were significantly associated with OS and DFS
Domachevsky L/2015 181 (43%) I – II (N/A) SUVmax, MTV, TLG OS 8.2 (SUVmax) SUVmax was significantly associated with OS regardless of N‐status
Kwon WI/2015 336 (55%) I (59%) SUVmax OS, TTR 3.4, 7.2, 14.2 Risks of both OS and TTR were significantly increase as SUVmax increased
Kim DH/2014 102 (100%) I – II (33%) SUVmax, MTV, TLG DFS 6.90 (SUVmax), 10.78 (MTV), 39.68 (TLG) SUVmax, MTV, and TLG were significantly associated with DFS
Hyun SH/2013 529 (50%) I – II (33%) SUVmax, MTV, TLG DFS, OS 16 (MTV), 70 (TLG) MTV and TLG were significantly associated with OS and DFS
Shiono S/2011 356 (73%) I (75%) SUVmax DFS 4.7 SUVmax was significantly associated with DFS
Agarwal M/2010 363 (63%) I – II (61%) SUVmax OS 5.9 SUVmax was significantly associated with OS
Um SW/2009 145 (48%) I (35%) SUVmax DFS 13.1 SUVmax was significantly associated with DFS
Kim HR/2009 107 (44%) I (53%) SUVmax OS 2.4 SUVmax was significantly associated with OS
Goodgame B/2008 136 (52%) I (57%) SUVmax OS 5.5 SUVmax was significantly associated with OS

Multiple group comparison.

ADC, adenocarcinoma; DFS, disease‐free survival; MTV, metabolic tumor volume; OS, overall survival; PET, positron emission tomography; SUVmax, standardized uptake value; TLG, total lesion glycolysis; TTR, time to recurrence.