Figure 1.
CT and CI odor responses. A, Schematic of the experiment. Right, A head-fixed mouse implanted with an intranasal cannula and a multi-electrode chamber was positioned in front of the odor delivery port. Left, CCM. B, Odor concentration step paradigm. Odor concentration changes every two sniff cycles. Green curve indicates the response of a photoionization detector (PID) to presentation of ethyl acetate. Sniff waveforms (black) are shown below the plots. Gray areas indicate inhalation. Vertical dashed lines indicate onset of concentration changes. C, D, Examples of CT responses from two cells. Raster and PSTH plots of M/T cell response to static high concentration (orange), static low concentration (blue), and concentration step stimuli (black). The responses of these cell odor pairs change with odor concentrations the same way in both static and step stimuli. Bar graph on right shows peak response amplitudes on the third sniff cycle for each stimulus. Error bars indicate SD (see Materials and Methods). E, F, Same as C, D but for two cell-odor pairs that are invariant to odor concentration in the presented range.