Source | Search strategy | Hits retrieved |
ALOIS DTA [Date of most recent search: 7 June 2018] |
AD8 OR AD‐8 OR “AD 8” OR “Alzheimer’s Disease eight question screen” See Appendix 6 for the searches run to populate the ALOIS register |
May 2014: 15 May 2017: 3 June 2018: 0 |
MEDLINE In‐process and other non‐indexed citations and MEDLINE 1950‐present (Ovid SP) [Date of most recent search: 7 June 2018] |
1. AD8.ti,ab. 2. "informant questionnaire on cognitive decline".ti,ab. 3. "Alzheimer’s Disease eight question screen".ti,ab. 4. "AD 8".ti,ab. 5. ("informant* questionnair*" adj3 (dement* or screening)).ti,ab. 6. ("screening test*" adj2 (dement* or alzheimer*)).ti,ab. 7. or/1‐6 |
May 2014: 300 May 2017: 54 June 2018: 48 |
EMBASE 1974‐2018 June 6 (Ovid SP) [Date of most recent search: 7 June 2018] |
1. AD8.ti,ab. 2. "informant questionnaire on cognitive decline".ti,ab. 3. "Alzheimer’s Disease eight question screen".ti,ab. 4. "AD 8".ti,ab. 5. ("informant* questionnair*" adj3 (dement* or screening)).ti,ab. 6. ("screening test*" adj2 (dement* or alzheimer*)).ti,ab. 7. or/1‐6 |
May 2014: 487 May 2017: 75 June 2018: 58 |
PSYCINFO 1806‐June week 1 2018 (Ovid SP) [Date of most recent search: 7 June 2018] |
1. AD8.ti,ab. 2. "informant questionnaire on cognitive decline".ti,ab. 3. "Alzheimer’s Disease eight question screen".ti,ab. 4. "AD 8".ti,ab. 5. ("informant* questionnair*" adj3 (dement* or screening)).ti,ab. 6. ("screening test*" adj2 (dement* or alzheimer*)).ti,ab. 7. or/1‐6 |
May 2014: 159 May 2017: 66 June 2018: 31 |
CINAHL (EBSCOhost) [Date of most recent search: 7 June 2018] |
S13 S1 OR S12 S12 S10 AND S11 S11 TX informer* OR informant* S10 S5 AND S9 S9 S6 OR S7 OR S8 S8 (MM "Alzheimer's Disease/DI") S7 (MM "Dementia") OR (MM "Delirium, Dementia, Amnestic, Cognitive Disorders") S6 TX dement* OR alzheimer* OR cognit* S5 S2 OR S3 OR S4 S4 TX (cognit* OR memory) n3 screen* S3 TX "neuropsychological test*" OR "neurocog* test*" OR "cog* test*" S2 TX "neuropsychological assess*" OR "neurocog* assess*" OR "cog* assess*" S1 TX AD8 |
May 2014: 219 May 2017: 49 June 2018: 29 |
Biosis previews 1926 to present (ISI Web of Science) [Date of most recent search: 7 June 2018] |
(AD8 or "informant questionnaire on cognitive decline" or "Alzheimer’s Disease eight question screen" or "AD 8" or ("informant* questionnair*" and dement*) or ("screening test*" and dement*) or ("informant* questionnair*" and alzheimer*) or ("screening test*" and alzheimer*)) | May 2014: 710 May 2017: 104 June 2018: 93 |
Web of Science Core Collection (1945‐present) (ISI Web of Science) [Date of most recent search: 7 June 2018] |
(AD8 or "informant questionnaire on cognitive decline" or "Alzheimer’s Disease eight question screen" or "AD 8" or ("informant* questionnair*" and dement*) or ("screening test*" and dement*) or ("informant* questionnair*" and alzheimer*) or ("screening test*" and alzheimer*)) | May 2014: 869 May 2017: 188 June 2018: 101 |
LILACS (BIREME) [Date of most recent search: 7 June 2018] |
(AD8 or "informant questionnaire on cognitive decline" or "Alzheimer’s Disease eight question screen" or "AD 8" | May 2014: 1 May 2017: 1 June 2018: 1 |
MEDION database (Meta‐analyses van Diagnostisch Onderzoek; DARE (Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects) and HTA Database (Health Technology Assessments Database), both The Cochrane Library; ARIF database (Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility; [Date of most recent search: 7 June 2018] |
(AD8 or "informant questionnaire on cognitive decline" or "Alzheimer’s Disease eight question screen" or "AD 8" | June 2018: 0 |
TOTAL before de‐duplication | May 2014: 2760 May 2017: 540 June 2018: 361 TOTAL: 3661 |
TOTAL after de‐duplication and first‐assessment by CDCIG information specialist based on titles and abstracts | May 2014: 447 May 2017: 162 June 2018: 5 TOTAL: 614 |