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. 2019 Mar 4;2019(3):CD007868. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007868.pub3
Study Reason for exclusion
Andlaw 1983 Equivalent fluoride concentration SMFP 1000 ppm (2 groups). Additional potential anti‐caries agent (3% trimetaphosphate) in placebo arm
Baysan 2001 Inadequate follow‐up period (6 months)
Beiswanger 1978 Additional fluoride applied topically at baseline and annually
Beiswanger 1981 Equivalent fluoride concentration (1000 ppm SnF2, 1100 ppm NaF)
Bibby 1945 Random allocation not stated or indicated
Bixler 1966 Additional anti‐calculus agent (stannous pyrophosphate) in active intervention arm only
Blinkhorn 1988 Equivalent fluoride concentration (1400 ppm NaF, 1400 ppm SMFP, 1000 ppm SMFP + 450 ppm NaF)
Chedid 2012 Intervention part of supervised programme. Additional measures included topical fluoride or chlorhexidine or both and fluoride drops/tablets. Not randomised (systematic allocation)
Curnow 2002 Comparison of children receiving fluoridated toothpaste as part of a supervised toothbrushing programme with children receiving no intervention
Cutress 1992 Post‐trial evaluation. Data coding problems in original trial
Damle 2012 Additional potential anti‐caries agent (calcium glycerophosphate) added to 1000 ppm SMFP fluoride toothpaste only
De Paola 1993 Equivalent fluoride concentration (1000 ppm SMFP, 1000 ppm NaF, 1000 ppm NaF)
Dolles 1980 Additional non‐fluoride active agent (chlorhexidine)
Downer 1976 Non‐random allocation. Additional topical fluoride‐based intervention
Edlund 1977 Equivalent fluoride concentration (1000 ppm SMFP, 1000 ppm NaF)
Edward 1978 All participants given fortnightly fluoride rinses with NaF solution. Random allocation not stated or indicated. Conference abstract
Ennever 1980 Random allocation not stated or indicated
Feng 2007 Inadequate follow‐up period (6 months)
Finn 1963 Medically compromised institutionalised children
Fogels 1982 Comparative study; not RCT
Frankl 1968 Additional non‐fluoride agent in placebo toothpaste (N‐lauroyl sarcosinate). Equivalent fluoride concentration (1000 ppm SnF2, 1000 ppm SMFP)
Freire 2016 Additional (different) potential anti‐caries agents (calcium glycerophosphate or trimetaphosphate) associated with 500 ppm NaF toothpastes only, not in 1000 ppm NaF comparator)
Gerdin 1972 Non‐random (systematic) allocation
Gish 1965 Additional topical fluoride‐based intervention
Hargreaves 1973 Non‐random (systematic) allocation
Heidmann 1997 Aluminium‐containing test toothpaste
Hill 1959 Random allocation not stated or indicated
Horowitz 1966 Non‐random (systematic) allocation
Horowitz 1966a Toothpaste versus aqueous solution
Horowitz 1976 Randomisation not stated or indicated
Jordan 1959 Only 2 clusters (schools), each randomised to 1 of the 2 interventions compared
Kinkel 1968 Additional potential agent (bromchlorophene) in SMFP arm
Koch 1967 Non‐random (systematic) allocation
Koch 1972 Potassium fluoride and manganese chloride test toothpaste
Koch 1982 Additional topical fluoride‐based intervention
Kyes 1961 Non‐random allocation
Künzel 1977 Additional fluoride‐based intervention with fluoride toothpaste
Li 2015 Equivalent fluoride concentration (1450 ppm F)
Lu 1985 Additional non‐fluoride agent in test toothpaste only
Mergele 1968a Medically compromised institutionalised young adults and children selected
Moller 1968 Additional active agent added to fluoride in test toothpaste
Muhler 1958 Random allocation not stated or indicated
Muhler 1960 Non‐random allocation
Muhler 1967 Additional topical fluoride received. Non‐random (systematic) allocation
Murray 1980 Random allocation not stated or indicated
Nordström 2010 Additional agent (fluoride varnish) every 12 months (or 6 months for children with very high caries risk)
Onisi 1970 Random allocation not stated or indicated
Patz 1970 Random allocation not stated or indicated
Peffley 1960 Random allocation not stated. Inadequate follow‐up period (10 months)
Ran 1991 Placebo gel versus AmF gel or toothpaste (fortnightly application) in addition to usual toothbrushing practice
Riethe 1975 Non‐random allocation
Ripa 1990 Equivalent fluoride concentration (1100 ppm NaF, 1000 ppm SMFP)
Saporito 2000 Equivalent fluoride concentration (1100 ppm NaF, 1000 ppm SMFP)
Sjögren 1995 Additional non‐fluoride agent added to dentifrice A
Srisilapanan 2013 Additional non‐fluoride agent in test toothpaste only, and follow‐up 6 months
Stookey 1975 Random allocation not stated or indicated
Tavener 2006 Prevalence and severity of fluorosis. No caries data
Thomas 1970 Additional agent added (sodium N‐lauroyl sarcosinate) in different concentrations 1000 ppm SMFP toothpastes but not to placebo toothpaste
Triol 1987 Equivalent fluoride concentration (1000 ppm SMFP, 500 ppm SMFP + 500 ppm NaF)
Yin 2013 Additional non‐fluoride agent in test toothpaste only, and follow‐up 6 months
You 2002 Additional oral health programme for 1100 ppm NaF arm

AmF = amine fluoride, F = fluoride, NaF = sodium fluoride, ppm = parts per million, RCT = randomised controlled trial, SMFP = sodium monofluorophosphate, SnF2 = stannous fluoride.