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. 2019 Mar 4;2019(3):CD007868. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007868.pub3

CL‐216 1982.

Methods Trial design: 2‐armed, double‐blind, active‐controlled and stratified RCT
 Location: Oregon, USA
 Number of centres: not stated
 Recruitment period: study commenced in 1980
Participants Inclusion criteria: male and female schoolchildren in Grades 1 to 5
 Exclusion criteria: schoolchildren with a condition which prohibited a thorough oral examination, including orthodontic therapy and extensive prosthetic appliances
 Baseline caries: not reported
Age at baseline (years): range 6 to 10 years
 Sex: not reported
 Any other details of important prognostic factors: background exposure to fluoride not reported. Community water supply fluoride < 0.3 ppm
 Number randomised: not reported
 Number evaluated: 2758 at 2 years (present for final assessment. Gp A: 1371; Gp B: 1387)
 Attrition: unable to calculate due to missing information from number randomised
Interventions Comparison: FT versus FT
 Gp A (n = 1371 evaluated): NaF 1100 ppm F; abrasive system not reported; home use ad libitum (twice daily, unsupervised assumed)
 Gp B (n = 1387 evaluated): NaF 1700 ppm F; abrasive system not reported; home use ad libitum (twice daily, unsupervised assumed)
Outcomes Primary: 2‐year DMFS increment ‐ cl + xr
 Secondary: none reported
 Assessments irrelevant to this review's scope: none
 Follow‐up duration: 2 years
Notes Adverse effects: not reported
 Funding source: The Procter & Gamble Company
 Declarations/conflicts of interest: none reported. Procter & Gamble data
 Data handling by review authors: n/a
 Other information of note: all clinical (Radike criteria) and radiographic examinations were carried out by a single examiner. Study "...was terminated following the Year 2 examinations." "Per the study protocols, Studies A and B were each designed to cover a period of two to three years, so collecting Year 3 data for a subset of subjects or omitting the Year 3 examinations were actions within the scope of the protocols." Unpublished data on file from The Procter & Gamble Company, published in Bartizek 2001
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Quote: "...subjects were stratified based on gender, age and baseline DMFS scores derived from the visual‐tactile examination, and randomly assigned to one of the treatment groups in the study"
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Comment: insufficient information
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Quotes: "... double‐blind study" "Subject and examiner blindness to treatment were maintained throughout the study" and "Dentifrices were supplied in plain white tubes"
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Quote: "The studies each enrolled approximately 1200 to 2000 male and female schoolchildren per treatment group"
Comment: actual number randomised not reported, so unable to calculate attrition
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Comment: results reported traditional increment using clinical and radiographic assessments
Baseline characteristics balanced? Low risk Comment: not explicitly stated, but stratified randomisation according to gender, age and baseline DMFS scores with large sample size so probably balanced
Free of contamination/co‐intervention? Low risk Quote: "...siblings, all were automatically assigned to the same treatment group as the first sibling to minimise the risk from cross‐usage of assigned dentifrice"