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. 2019 Feb 19;19(5):1–38.
1 TS=((DNA OR parallel OR next-generation OR shotgun OR target) NEAR sequenc)
3 TS=((high throughput NEAR (analys?s OR sequenc)) OR single nucleotide polymorphism OR SNP OR SNPs)
4 #1 OR #2 OR #3
5 TS=((genetic OR gene OR genes OR genome OR genomic) NEAR (test OR tests OR testing OR diagnos?s OR screen))
6 TS=(noninvasive or non-invasive)
7 #5 AND #6
8 #4 OR #8
9 TS= ((antenatal OR ante-natal OR intrauterine OR intra-uterine OR prenatal OR pre-natal) NEAR (test OR tests OR testing OR diagnos?s OR detect OR screen))
10 TS= (maternal NEAR (plasm OR blood))
11 #9 OR #10
12 #8 AND #11
13 TS=(((fetal OR faetal OR fetus OR faetus OR free-fetal OR free-faetal OR placenta) NEAR dna) OR cell-free dna)
14 TS=(cff DNA OR cffDNA OR cf DNA OR cfDNA OR f DNA OR fDNA OR ff DNA OR ffDNA)
15 TS=((noninvasive OR non-invasive) NEAR (prenatal OR fetal OR faetal OR fetus OR faetus) NEAR (test OR tests OR testing OR diagnos?s OR detect OR screen))
17 #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16
18 TS=interview
19 TS=(theme)
20 TS=(thematic analysis)
21 TS=qualitative
22 TS=nursing research methodology
23 TS=questionnaire
24 TS=(ethnograph)
25 TS= (ethnonursing)
26 TS=(ethnological research)
27 TS=(phenomenol)
28 TS=(grounded theor) OR TS=(grounded stud) OR TS=(grounded research) OR TS=(grounded analys?s)
29 TS=(life stor) OR TS=(women's stor)
30 TS=(emic) OR TS=(etic) OR TS=(hermeneutic) OR TS=(heuristic) OR TS=(semiotic) OR TS=(data saturat) OR TS=(participant observ)
31 TS=(social construct) OR TS=(postmodern) OR TS=(post structural) OR TS=(feminis) OR TS=(interpret)
32 TS=(action research) OR TS=(co-operative inquir)
33 TS=(humanistic) OR TS=(existential) OR TS=(experiential) OR TS=(paradigm)
34 TS=(field stud) OR TS=(field research)
35 TS=(human science)
36 TS=(biographical method)
37 TS=(theoretical sampl)
38 TS=(purposive sampl)
39 TS=(open-ended account) OR TS=(unstructured account) OR TS=(narrative) OR TS=(text)
40 TS=(life world) OR TS=(conversation analys?s) OR TS=(theoretical saturation)
41 TS=(lived experience) OR TS=(life experience)
42 TS=(cluster sampl)
43 TS=observational method
44 TS=(content analysis)
45 TS=(constant comparative)
46 TS=(discourse analys?s) or TS =(discurs analys?s)
47 TS=(narrative analys?s)
48 TS=(heidegger)
49 TS=(colaizzi)
50 TS=(spiegelberg)
51 TS=(van manen)
52 TS=(van kaam)
53 TS=(merleau ponty)
54 TS=(husserl)
55 TS=(foucault)
56 TS=(corbin)
57 TS=(strauss)
58 TS=(glaser)
59 #18 OR #19 OR #20 OR #21 OR #22 OR #23 OR #24 OR #25 OR #26 OR #27 OR #28 OR #29 OR #30 OR #31 OR #32 OR #33 OR #34 OR #35 OR #36 OR #37 OR #38 OR #39 OR #40 OR #41 OR #42 OR #43 OR #44 OR #45 OR #46 OR #47 OR #48 OR #49 OR #50 OR #51 OR #52 OR #53 OR #54 OR #55 OR #56 OR #57 OR #58
60 #17 AND #59