Figure 2. Proportional Odds Models – Probability of Start of Mild Impairment for Each PSP Rating Scale Domain Subscore as PSP Rating Scale Total Score Worsens – PSP (all 4 studies) vs CBS (4RTNI) (upper panel), and as CGIds and SEADL Worsen – AL-108–231, 4RTNI, and TAUROS Studies Combined (lower panel).
Abbreviation: CBS, corticobasal syndrome; CGIds, Clinical Global Impression of Disease Severity; PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy; SEADL, Schwaab and England Activities of Daily Living. Dashed line represents the average score of a patient entering a clinical trial (Table 2); PSPRS=38, SEADL=55, CGIds=4 for PSP patients and 28 for CBS patients.
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