Non-susceptible phenotypes were not associated with AB treatment history. After functional metagenomics analysis of all samples (n = 130), proportions of non-susceptible phenotypes observed for all AB tested were calculated according to the AB status of the patient: (A) AB naïve vs. non-naïve or (B) AB naïve (group 0), collected during an AB treatment (group 1), collected after a single AB treatment (group 2), or collected after more than one AB therapy (group 3). A χ2 test for a 2 × 2 or 2 × 4 contingency tables was applied for statistical significance. (A) Non-susceptible phenotypes were more frequently recovered from patient with AB history. (B) We observed an increasing trend for β-lactams resistance in patients who received one or more AB therapies. Standard deviations are indicated.