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. 2019 Jan 28;60(3):464–474. doi: 10.1194/jlr.S091744


Molecular targets and biological responses of LPA

Molecular Target Signaling Mechanism Biological Response Reference
LPA1 GPCR Gq/11, Gi, G12/13, PDZ Cell migration, bone development, cell proliferation, cortical development, carcinoma cell invasion, metastasis (3, 57)
LPA2 GPCR Gq/11, Gi, G12/13, PDZ, LIM Cell survival, cell proliferation, cell motility, invasion and metastasis (3, 57)
LPA3 GPCR Gq/11, Gi, Gs Embryo implantation, cell motility, (3, 57)
LPA4 GPCR Gs, Gq/11, Gi, G12/13, Cell motility, lymphangiogenesis (3, 57)
LPA5 GPCR Gq/11, G12/13, Inhibition of T cell receptor, B cell receptor, platelet aggregation (3, 5760)
LPA6 GPCR Gs, Gi, G12/13, Hair growth, vascular development (3, 57)
PPARγ Genes with PPRE elements Regulation of lipid uptake, metabolism, arterial wall remodeling and neointima (6166)
TRPV1 channel Ca2+ influx Nociception and itch (39, 40, 67, 68)
TRPA1 channel Ca2+ influx Itch sensation (68, 69)
M-type K+ channel K+ influx Increased cell excitability (69, 70)
Villin LPA binding, carrier, sequestration Epithelial cell migration, lamellipodia formation (71)
Gelsolin LPA binding, carrier, sequestration Regulation of actin polymerization and inhibition of inflammation (7280)
Fragmin and adseverin Inhibition of PI 4,5-P2 binding and enhanced phosphorylation by c-src Inhibition of actin severing (75)
Gintonin latex-like protein LPA-binding carrier LPA delivery to LPA GPCR (72)