Fig. 4.
HIV infection in the humanized mouse brain. a RNAScope® assay for detecting HIV-1 RNA, using antisense probe V-HIV1- Clade-B, revealed single brown dots or cluster of dots. Immunohistology of brain regions showing the presence of HIV-1p24+ infected cells in corresponding regions. Original magnification of 400×, Scale bar 10 μm. b Peripheral viral load was determined by a COBAS Amplicor System after three and 6 weeks post infection. Each symbol represents an individual infected mouse. c Comparison of brain viral RNA levels determined by semi-nested RT-PCR from CD34-NSG and CD34-NOG-hIL-34 mice. d Immunofluorescence staining demonstrating mouse astroglia (GFAP, red) in control and HIV-1 infected, with astrogliosis near in HIV-1p24 positive (green) human microglia. Adjacent sections stained for human microglial cells (HLA-DR+ green) and astrogliosis (GFAP, red) indicating the presence of human microglial cells in the same brain region. Original magnification of 400×