Fig. 3.
Comparison of individual 8-cell blastomere, inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE) network modules. a) Schematic of methodology. Frozen robust multi-array analysis (fRMA) was used to define absolute expression by comparison to publically available microarray datasets within R and an expression barcode was defined for each cell. This GeneBarcode was used to generate single sample networks and identify modules for the individual blastomere samples. Blastomere module similarity was visualised using circos plots. b) Individual 8-cell blastomere module similarity. Similar modules between pairs of blastomeres are tabulated and visually represented by connections on circos plots. Similar modules have ≥5 genes. c) Tabulated circos plot. Colours of blastomeres represent groups of similarity. The total column shows total overlap in modules for each blastomere, indicating B4 and B8 are the least similar to others. d) Individual 8-cell blastomeres, ICM (n = 5) and TE (n = 5) module similarity (≥5 genes per module). e) Nearest neighbour PCA analysis (isoMap) reveals similarity of individual 8-cell blastomeres (green), TE (red) and ICM (blue)