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. 2019 Mar 5;6:190040. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2019.40

Table 2. Sample characteristics.

  T1 sample (n=132)
Longitudinal sample (n=63)
Time 1
Time 1
Time 2
Mean SD Range Mean SD Range Mean SD Range
Mean, standard deviation (SD) and range for age and standardized scores on reading, math fluency and intelligence for participants with Time 1 data (n = 132) and for participants with longitudinal data (n = 63).
Note. Reading Fluency: Word Reading Efficiency standard score on the Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE); Math fluency: Standardized score on the Math Fluency test from the Woodcock-Johnson III (WJ-III); Intelligence: Full IQ standardized scores on the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI) (verbal + performance).
Age 11.3 1.5 8.4–15.0 11.1 1.5 8.4–14.1 13.4 1.5 10.9–16.5
Reading Fluency 103.1 15.7 59–140 105.6 16.0 59–140 100.6 14.1 55–127
Math Fluency 94.4 15.9 62–143 94.8 16.4 66–143 93.1 16.9 65–138
Intelligence 107.5 15.8 81–144 111.1 16.0 82–144 109.7 17.0 79–144