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. 2018 Mar;57(1):52–60. doi: 10.20471/acc.2018.57.01.06

Table 9. Pearson correlation coefficient among claims.

Desire Arousal Lubrication Orgasm Satisfaction Pain
Desire - 0.585* 0.470* 0.434* 0.455* 0.348*
Arousal 0.585* - 0.879* 0.856* 0.770* 0.776*
Lubrication 0.470* 0.879* - 0.839* 0.749* 0.856*
Orgasm 0.434* 0.856* 0.849* - 0.782* 0.757*
Satisfaction 0.455* 0.779* 0.749* 0.782* - 0.717*
Pain 0.348* 0.765* 0.856* 0.757* 0.717* -

*Correlation significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)