Figure 12.
Forward-reverse-trapping activation model (Model FRT). (A) Gating scheme for GxTx-bound Kv2.1 trapping activation model. Four identical resting voltage sensors are independently trapped with trap rate ktr and released with release rate kre. Released voltage sensors activate with rate α and reverse rate β. Pore opening has forward rate kopen and reverse rate kclose. Rates susceptible to GxTx are red. (B) Simulated Popen from Model FRT with GxTx. Light pink, 60 mV; red, 90 mV; dark red, 120 mV. Dotted lines show fits of Eq. 3. τ60mV = 21.296 ± 0.005 ms, σ60mV = 3.851 ± 0.002; τ90mV= 12.55 ± 0.01 ms, σ90mV = 2.458 ± 0.005; τ120mV = 8.07 ± 0.01 ms, σ120mV = 1.941 ± 0.004. (C) Comparison of the reciprocals of rates kre and ktr to τON from gating currents. Hollow circles, mean 1 µM GxTx Kv2.1 τON from Fig. 8 E; filled circles, kre−1 from model; hollow triangles, ktr−1 from model. Solid lines show fits of Eq. 8, ztr = 0.93 ± 0.17 e0, ktr 0mV−1 = 26 ± 23 ms; zrel = 1.0 ± 0.1 e0, kre 0mV−1 = 115 ± 65 ms.