Chronic virus infection significantly reduces total numbers of memory bystander T cells. (A) Experimental approach. Adoptive transfer of CD45.1+ TCR-transgenic OVA257–264-specific (OT-I) CD8+ T cells into congenic CD45.2 WT C57BL/6 mice, followed by priming with VV-OVA. On day 30 after priming, mice were infected with the persistent docile strain of LCMV with an intermediate (104 ffu) or high (106 ffu) dose. The experiment was terminated 30 d after LCMV infection. (B) Viral titers in liver and kidney at day 30 after infection. (C) Total cell counts of OT-I memory bystander CD8+ T cells in spleen, lung, and blood of memory only (white, no LCMV infection), memory + LCMV intermediate dose (gray), and memory + LCMV high-dose (black) 30 d after infection. (B and C) One representative experiment out of two is shown with four to five mice per group. Statistical analysis was performed using the unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test: *, P < 0.05; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001. Error bars show SEM.