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. 2019 Mar 4;218(3):961–976. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201807154

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

GTP-bound Vps21 stimulates TORC2 phosphorylation of Ypk1. Equivalent samples of cultures of WT (BY4741) or yMLT42 (vps21Δ ypt52Δ ypt53) cells expressing Ypk17A-myc from its native promoter on a CEN plasmid (pFR252), and carrying either empty vector (−; pRS426) or coexpressing FLAG-Vps21 (pMLT101), FLAG-Vps21Q66L (pMLT103), or FLAG-Vps21S21L (pMLT102) from the GAL promoter on the same vector, were grown to mid-exponential phase in 2% raffinose-0.2% sucrose medium, shifted for 1 h to galactose medium (2% final concentration), then treated for 2 h with ethanol (–) or an equivalent volume of the same solvent containing AbA (1.8 µM final concentration; +), harvested, lysed, resolved by Phos-tag SDS-PAGE, and analyzed by immunoblotting (IB).