Vps21 stimulates TORC2 activity on Ypk1. (A) Equivalent amounts of TORC2 immunopurified from WT (BY4741) or yMLT85 (vps21Δ ypt52Δ) strains (see Fig. S4 A) were added in increasing amounts and incubated with [γ-32P]ATP and MBP-Ypk1CT. The reaction products were resolved by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by autoradiography and staining with SYPRO Ruby, as described in Materials and methods. Results of one representative experiment are shown. (B) The results of multiple experiments (n = 3) as in A are plotted as the mean 32P incorporation into MBP-Ypk1CT versus the amount of TORC2 complex present. Error bars, SEM. 32P incorporation was measured by quantifying the corresponding autoradiograms using ImageJ and estimating the amount of TORC2 present from the staining intensity of the SYPRO Ruby-stained gel and accompanying standards (not depicted). The values were then normalized to the mean 32P incorporation into MBP-Ypk1CT catalyzed by the lowest amount of TORC2 from the vps21Δ ypt52Δ cells, which was set at [1]. (C) TORC2 immunopurified from yMLT85 (vps21Δ ypt52), denoted TORC2ΔΔ, was incubated with [γ-32P]ATP and MBP-Ypk1CT in the absence or presence of Vps21-GTPγS (0.2 µg and 0.4 µg). (D) Equivalent amounts of TORC2 immunopurified from yMLT85 (vps21Δ ypt52Δ) as in A, denoted TORC2ΔΔ, were incubated with [γ-32P]ATP, MBP-Ypk1CT, and either Vps21-GTPγS (2 µg) or Ypt7-GTPγS (4 µg), as indicated. Reactions were terminated at the indicated time points.