Figure 6.
Postsynaptic DCAF12 regulates the subunit composition of GluR at larval NMJs. (A and B) Synaptic boutons of NMJs stained for endogenous GluRIIA, GluRIIB, GluRIIC, GluRIID, or overexpressed GluRIIE-GFP subunits. Scale bars, 5 µm (A) and 2.5 µm (B). (C–G) Effect of DCAF12 deletion on synaptic levels of endogenous GluRIIA (C; n ≥ 9), GluRIIB (D; n ≥ 16), GluRIIC (E; n ≥ 17), GluRIID (F; n ≥ 13), and overexpressed GluRIIE-GFP subunits (G; n ≥ 7). (H–K) Effects of DCAF12 deletion on the size of GluRIIC-positive GluR clusters (H), GluRIIC fluorescence per cluster (I), normalized number of GluRIIC clusters to bouton area (J), and size of GluRIIA clusters (K; n ≥ 9). (L–O) Effects of presynaptic (L; n ≥ 11) and postsynaptic (M–O; n ≥ 7) expression of DCAF12 or ΔNLS-DCAF12 in Δ51 mutants on normalized synaptic GluRIIA levels (L and M), number of GluRIIA-positive clusters per bouton area (N), and GluRIIA fluorescence per bouton (O). (P) Effects of vGlut OE on mEPP amplitudes (n ≥ 11). Control is w1118; pooled control includes UAS-vGlut transgene and Gal4 driver in a Δ51/Df Ex7312 background. (Q) GluRIIA, GluRIIB, GluRIIC, GluRIID, and GluRIIE mRNA levels in dcaf12Δ51 mutants normalized to control (n ≥ 5). Graphs display means ± SEM. Statistical analysis used two-tailed unpaired t test (C–K) or one-way ANOVA (L–Q); *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.