SEC-SAXS model of monomeric VDACR fits experimental scattering data. (A) Experimental scattering data of SEC eluted VDACR in 0.3% DM solution (black) and calculated scattering curve of monomeric VDAC-detergent complex (red) are shown; error bars represent the SD of averaged curves. The χ2 of the fit of the calculated curve to the experimental data is displayed on the plot. (B) The P(r) plot determined from experimental scattering data of VDACR is shown. The determined Dmax value is shown on the plot. (C) A cross section of the monomeric VDACR model through the lumen of the VDAC pore and (D) rotated 90° around the x axis is shown. Dimensions of the model are shown, and individual fitted parameters corresponding to the detergent component of the model are depicted relative to the total distances. These parameters (a, b, t, and e) are depicted to aid in visualization of their relationship to the model of the protein complex. In both panels, the protein component of the model is colored in blue, the hydrophobic layer of the detergent is colored yellow, and the hydrophilic layer of the detergent is colored red. Values for the parameters a, b, t, and e for all VDAC models are reported in Table 3. This figure is available in color online. To see this figure in color, go online.