Figure 5.
Scatter plots showing the relationships between iTBS-induced changes in the DMN rs-FC observed in the main experimental day and baseline A) SRT total recall, B) phonemic fluency, C) years of education, and D) pre-iTBS HN rs-FC. Bar charts showing significant interactions and Bonferroni-corrected post-hoc analyses between the three characterized subgroups with regards to E) pre-iTBS long-range DMN rs-FC, F) pre-iTBS HN rs-FC, and I) mean FA at baseline. The ROC curves for predicting a younger / ‘young-like’ response to iTBS based on G) pre-iTBS long-range DMN rs-FC, and H) pre-iTBS HN rs-FC. Data in A), B), C), and D) are presented with adjusted z scores. Data in E), F), and I) are represented as mean with SEM. Data in (I) are presented adjusted to two decimals. * Significant differences (p < 0.05), ** Significant differences (p < 0.001). Abbreviations: Stim, stimulation site; DMN, default-mode network; Diff; difference; iTBS, intermittent theta-burst stimulation; SRT, Selective Reminding Test; BL, baseline; HN, hippocampal network; rs-FC, resting-state functional connectivity; YA, younger adults; OA YL-R, older adults with ‘young-like’ responses; OA non YL-R, older adults with ‘non-young-like’ responses; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; FA, fractional anisotropy.