Each plot shows pairs of bars quantifying responses within ROIs defined by, from left to right, color bias, face bias, scene bias, and disparity bias. Quantification was made using data that was independent of the data used to define the ROIs. All ROIs were defined at p = 10−3 threshold. A. Bar plots showing percent signal change (PSC) to color gratings (black) and luminance gratings (open). B. PSC response to images of faces (black) and bodies (open). C. PSC response to images of scenes (black) and scrambled scenes (open) D. Responses (PSC) to near/far disparity (black) and null disparity images (open). Error bars show the SEM. Asterisks denote levels of significance: *, p < .05, ** p < .001. E-H. As for panels A-D, but where the data set used to define the ROIs and the left-out data used to quantify the responses was swapped.