Figure 6. The same mid-STS region was affected during FEF-induced attention deficits.
(A) Coronal section shows the localization of FEF in the anterior bank of arcuate sulcus and illustrates two sample sites (red circles) at which electrical stimulation (70 ms train duration, 350 Hz, biphasic pulses with duration of 0.3 ms, 40 μA) evoked saccadic eye movements with directions and amplitudes (indicated by the trajectories in each of the two corresponding panels) that depended on the location within the FEF. White stripes in upper right of the MRI were produced by the contrast agent placed in the FEF recording grid and the superimposed yellow line indicate the estimated electrode and injectrode paths. (B) The visual field map shows the affected visual field (blue region) during FEF inactivation. Same conventions as Figure 1E (top panel). (C,D) Inflated cortical maps of t-scores contrasting the Attend (Figure 1C) and Ignore (Figure 1B) tasks show attention-related modulation in the ipsilateral (right) hemisphere of monkey #2 during control (C) and impaired (D) sessions. The black arrow points to the modulation in aFST/IPa region during control (C). The maps were thresholded during control sessions (C) and the modulation for the same voxels is shown during the impaired sessions (D).
(E) Magnified version of the inflated cortical map of the interaction term F-statistic shows the changes in attention-related modulation during FEF inactivation in ipsilateral STS regions including aFST/IPa of monkey #2 in the motion task. The effect during impaired sessions is shown for the same voxels that showed significant modulation during control sessions (Figure 6C). The blue color indicates voxels whose modulation was reduced the most during FEF inactivation and the green colors indicate voxels with no reduction in modulation. The white contour indicates the aFST/IPa region affected during SC inactivation in motion task and is the same as shown in Figure 3D.
(F) Coronal slice shows the anatomical location of the affected aFST/IPa region during FEF inactivation in monkey #1. The white cross-hair indicates voxel with peak attention-related modulation in aFST/IPa region during control sessions.
See also Figure S7.