Figure 1.
Primary surgical procedures performed among 3 surgical groups. Patients were divided into three groups based on type of surgery: without cardiopulmonary bypass (off CPB) (red hues, n = 15), on bypass (CPB) (blue hues, n = 43), and on bypass with ventricular incision (CPB with ventricular incision) (green hues, n = 32). Primary surgical procedures performed among each group are listed. ASD = atrial septal defect, AV = atrioventricular, BT = Blalock-Taussig, CPB = cardiopulmonary bypass, PA = pulmonary artery, PDA = patent ductus arteriosus, RPA = right pulmonary artery, RV = right ventricle, TAPVR = total anomalous pulmonary venous return, VSD = ventricular septal defect