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. 2019 Mar 5;4(2):e00295-18. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00295-18

FIG 4.


Closely related actinobacterial strains produced similar VOC profiles. In the left panels, trees reflect the phylogenetic relationships of 16S rRNA gene sequences between actinobacterial strains (Fig. 1). The 6 and 18 strains that did not grow or produced no detectable mVOCs on ISP2 and GA medium types, respectively, were trimmed from the phylogeny. Deleted leaves and nodes in the resulting tree are indicated by black circles. In the center panels, the colored boxes along the x axis depict distinct volatiles produced by strains grown on ISP2 (a) and GA (b) medium types. Volatiles are ordered by the number of strains that produced each compound. Boxes of the same color are VOCs produced by strains sharing the same taxonomic assignment at the family level. In the right panels, bars show the total number of VOCs produced by each strain on each medium type.