Fig. 2. Comparison of Alu mobilization rates in selected primate genomes.
Only Alu elements specific to each lineage are included. The size of the circle corresponds to the number of near full-length lineage-specific AluY elements in that species. The bars on the right show the estimated number of insertions per million years for each lineage. For baboon (Panu_3.0), rhesus macaque (Mmul_8.0.1), African green monkey (chlSab2), chimpanzee (Pan_tro3), and human (GRCh38/hg38), AluY sequences were retrieved computationally by cross comparisons using the most recent available assemblies. Orangutan estimates are from P_pygmaeus2.0.2 (60). The number of lineage-specific AluY elements is similar in rhesus macaque and baboon, and more than twice that in the African green monkeys, despite a longer period of independent evolution for the African green monkeys.