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. 2019 Mar 5;18:42. doi: 10.1186/s12939-019-0944-z

Table 3.

Decomposition of the concentration index for stunting (1996 & 2016)

Variables Marginal effect Weighted mean
(1996: Meanstunted = 0.553; 2016: Meanstunted = 0.337)
Concentration Index (C)
(1996: Cstunted = − 0.082;2016: Cstunted = − 0.138)
Absolute contribution Percentage contribution (%) Change
1996 P value 2016 P value 1996 2016 1996 2016 1996 2016 1996 2016
Mother’s education
 Primary −0.030 0.331 − 0.048 0.173 0.113 0.186 0.157 −0.179 − 0.0010 0.0048 1.2 −3.7 −4.9
 Secondary and above −0.085* 0.020 −0.023 0.558 0.099 0.480 0.575 0.191 −0.0087 −0.0062 11.0 4.7 −6.3
Sub-total −0.0097 − 0.0014 12.2 1.1 − 11.1
Husband/Partner’s education
 Primary −0.035 0.143 0.015 0.725 0.244 0.231 −0.070 −0.257 0.0011 −0.0027 −1.4 2.1 3.5
 Secondary and above −0.035 0.172 0.039 0.418 0.389 0.624 0.243 0.153 −0.0059 0.0110 7.4 0.8 −6.6
Sub-total −0.0048 0.0083 6.1 2.9 −3.2
Maternal short stature (< 145 cm) 0.137* < 0.001 0.253* < 0.001 0.150 0.114 −0.007 − 0.089 − 0.0002 − 0.0077 0.3 5.9 5.6
Mother’s BMI
 Normal (18.5 to < 25) −0.018 0.446 −0.069* 0.042 0.711 0.634 −0.006 −0.046 0.0001 0.0060 −0.2 −4.6 −4.4
 Overweight/Obese (≥25) −0.065 0.344 −0.148* 0.003 0.018 0.176 0.350 0.285 −0.0007 −0.0221 0.9 16.9 16.0
Sub-total −0.0006 −0.0161 0.7 12.3 11.6
Antenatal care visits −0.002 0.930 −0.040 0.532 0.438 0.943 0.172 0.023 −0.0002 −0.0025 0.3 1.9 1.6
Delivery in health facility −0.046 0.157 −0.007 0.806 0.082 0.573 0.573 0.179 −0.0039 −0.0021 4.8 1.6 −3.2
Children aged 25–59 months 0.172* < 0.001 0.109* < 0.001 0.272 0.502 0.005 0.019 0.0004 0.0031 −0.5 −2.4 −1.9
Birth order
 2nd - 4th 0.076* 0.001 0.070* 0.021 0.525 0.574 0.006 −0.009 0.0005 −0.0011 − 0.6 0.8 1.4
 5 or more 0.109* < 0.001 0.130* 0.007 0.254 0.093 −0.154 − 0.281 − 0.0077 −0.0101 9.7 7.7 −2.0
Sub-total −0.0072 −0.0112 9.1 8.6 −0.5
Breast fed children −0.189 0.511 −0.186 0.150 0.998 0.993 −0.001 −0.0004 0.0002 0.0002 −0.2 −0.2 0.0
Perceived size of baby at birth
 Average 0.052* 0.014 0.032 0.311 0.431 0.672 0.021 0.020 0.0008 0.0013 −1.1 −1.0 0.1
 Small 0.156* < 0.001 0.084* 0.039 0.259 0.164 −0.080 −0.113 −0.0058 −0.0047 7.3 3.6 −3.7
Sub-total −0.0050 −0.0034 6.2 2.6 −3.6
Janajati −0.144* < 0.001 −0.046 0.253 0.308 0.301 −0.013 −0.064 0.0010 0.0026 −1.3 −2.0 −0.7
 Other terai caste −0.071 0.068 −0.007 0.880 0.124 0.174 −0.020 0.165 0.0003 −0.0006 −0.4 0.5 0.9
 Muslim −0.083 0.076 −0.0002 0.998 0.058 0.059 0.068 0.185 −0.0006 0.0000 0.7 0.0 −0.7
Newar −0.199* < 0.001 −0.046 0.665 0.050 0.035 0.490 0.151 −0.0089 −0.0007 11.1 0.6 −10.5
Brahmin/Chhetri −0.103* 0.002 −0.015 0.714 0.296 0.286 0.029 −0.025 −0.0016 0.0003 2.0 −0.2 −2.2
Sub-total −0.0098 0.0016 12.1 −1.2 −13.3
Wealth quintile
 Second −0.040 0.110 −0.061 0.133 0.213 0.218 −0.291 −0.377 0.0044 0.0150 −5.6 −11.5 −5.9
 Third −0.040 0.137 −0.124* 0.002 0.194 0.215 0.116 0.057 −0.0016 −0.0045 2.0 3.5 1.5
 Fourth −0.101* < 0.001 −0.098* 0.015 0.197 0.220 0.507 0.492 −0.0182 −0.0316 22.8 24.2 1.4
 Fifth (Richest) −0.145* 0.001 −0.200* < 0.001 0.148 0.144 0.852 0.856 −0.0330 −0.0732 41.4 56.1 14.7
Sub-total −0.0484 −0.0943 60.7 72.3 11.6
Open Defecation −0.039 0.253 0.050 0.222 0.812 0.199 −0.165 −0.171 0.0095 −0.0050 −11.9 3.9 15.8
Total sum contribution −0.0797 −0.1305
Residual (Unexplained) −0.0021 −0.0076

Weighted N: - 1996: 2967; 2016: 1588. Average marginal effects and P values were calculated from predictions of probit model. The reference groups used were mothers with no education, husband/partner with no education, mothers who are not short, mothers who are underweight (BMI < 18.5), mothers who did not visit health facility for ANC, mothers who delivered in places others than a health facility, children aged 0–24 months, first born children, children who are not breastfed, perceived size of baby at birth large, caste/ethnicity Dalit, first wealth quintile (poorest), households with toilet facilities. The contributions of predictors to the observed socioeconomic inequality in stunting is calculated according to eq. (3) by using means, concentration indices of predictors and marginal effects. The total contribution is the sum of absolute contributions or the overall concentration index minus the residual. *p < 0.05