Fig. 2.
Synaptic activity regulates ER-mitochondria contacts and the VAPB-PTPIP51 interaction in hippocampal neurons. a Confocal z-stack of neuron transfected with SPLICSs ER-mitochondria reporter plasmids and immunostained for NFH and MAP2 to show axons and dendrites; SPLICSs fluorescent signal is present in cell bodies axons and dendrites. Scale bar = 10 μm. b SPLICSs signals are stable in unstimulated neurons. SPLICSs transfected neuron axons were imaged in time-lapse over a 10 min period and displayed no significant changes in SPLICSs signals. Graph shows average fluorescence signal F/initial signal F0 as a %. Error bars are SEM; N = 14 neurons from 8 different cultures. (c and d), Electrical field stimulation of synaptic activity increases ER-mitochondria contacts including contacts close to synapses. c neurons transfected with SPLICSs ER-mitochondria reporter plasmids were imaged in time-lapse prior to and after electrical field stimulation; image shows axon in transfected cell. d SPLICSs transfected neurons were loaded with FM 4–64 and SPLICSs (green) and FM 4–64 (red) signals imaged in time-lapse prior to and after electrical field stimulation. Arrows indicate increased SPLICSs signals closely associated with active synapses identified by loss of FM 4–64 signal. Graph shows changes in fluorescence signal (fluorescence at each time-point (F)/average of all pre-stimulation frames (F0)) from 7 synapses. Error bars are SEM. Analyses of SPLICSs signal reveals no changes prior to stimulation in agreement with data shown in (b) above but significant increases following stimulation (time 30–60 s; prior to stimulation v time 300–360; post stimulation p ≤ 0.0001, one way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test). e Representative SIM image of VAPB-PTPIP51 PLA signals in synaptic regions of unstimulated neurons and in neurons after (60 s) electrical field stimulation. VAPB-PTPIP51 PLAs (red) were performed and neurons then immunostained for synaptophysin (green) and PSD95 (blue). Arrows indicate PLA signals close (less than 1 μm) to synapses as identified by apposition of synaptophysin and PSD95 signals. Bar chart shows normalised VAPB-PTPIP51 PLA signals (%) close to synapses in unstimulated neurons and in neurons after electrical field stimulation. Data were analysed by Student’s t test. N = 36 neurons unstimulation and 34 neurons post stimulation from 3 independent experiments. Error bars are SEM; ***p ≤ 0.001. Scale bars in c, d and e = 2 μm