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. 2019 Feb 20;14:100333. doi: 10.1016/j.conctc.2019.100333

Table 1.

Tertiary outcomes of the D-Health Trial and the data sources used to derive them.

Outcome All participants
Random sample of participants
Annual surveya MBS databaseb PBS databaseb Hospital datac Phone interview Diary Blood sample
Newly diagnosed health conditionsd
 Anxiety X X
 Arthritis X X
 Depression X X
 Diabetes X X
 Hypercalcemiae X
 Hypercholesterolemia X X
 Hyperparathyroidism X X X
 Hyperthyroidism X X X
 Hypothyroidism X X
 Kidney disease X X
 Osteoporosisf X X X
 Parkinson's disease X X X
 Psoriasis X X X
 Sarcoidosis X X
 Glaucoma X X
 Insomnia X X
 Sleep apnea X X
 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease X X
 Polymyalgia rheumatica X
 Dementia/cognitive impairment/Alzheimer's disease X X X
 Emphysema/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease/bronchiectasis X X X
Number of hospitalisations X
Acute eventsg
 Kidney stones X X
 Cataract removal X X
 Broken bones X X X
 Joint repair or replacement X X
 Gall stones/Cholecystectomy X X
 Hysterectomy X X
Cardiovascular outcomes
 Arrhythmiad X X X
 Cerebrovascular diseaseg,h X X
 Coronary artery diseasei X X X
 Hypertensiond X X
 Thrombosisg X X X
Quality of life/health and well-being (12-item Short Form Health Survey; 5-point Likert scale for overall health status, quality of life, memory, and teeth and gum health) X
Depressive symptoms (Patient Health Questionnaire- 9) X
Pain (Pain Impact Questionnaire-6) X
Sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) X
Acute respiratory tract infectionj X X X
Infections X X X
Fallsk X X
Memory and cognition (Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status – modified) X
Urinary function (International Prostate Symptom Score (Men); Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (Women)) X
Erectile dysfunction X
Treatment of keratinocyte cancer X
Telomere length X

Annual surveys are completed at the end of each year of the intervention.


The Medicare Benefits Scheme (MBS) and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) databases are managed by Medicare Australia. Records of consenting participants will be linked to these databases. The MBS database records health services provided outside the public hospital system. The PBS database records almost all medications prescribed outside a public hospital setting. Medications will be used as proxies for diagnosis. A first linkage captured data up to and including 31 December 2017. A second linkage is scheduled for 2021.


Linkage to hospital admitted patient datasets.


For conditions with specific medical and/or surgical treatments, PBS data regarding dispensing of drugs and/or hospital data regarding procedures will be used in preference to annual survey data to derive the timing of first diagnosis.


We follow up diagnoses of hypercalcemia with medical records where possible.


Hip and/or vertebral fracture(s) may be used to confirm a diagnosis of osteoporosis.


Hospital data regarding procedures used to the treat the event will be given preference to annual survey data when deriving the number and timing of events.


A person will be classified as having cerebrovascular disease if they have a transient ischaemic attack and/or a stroke.


A person will be classified has having coronary artery disease (CAD) if they have symptoms of the disease (angina, myocardial infarction) and/or treatment for the disease (coronary stenting, coronary artery bypass graft, angioplasty) or if they are documented as having a diagnosis of CAD in the hospital data.


Annual surveys ask whether or not a participant had a cold/runny nose/sore throat/the flu in the last month. Diaries use a scoring system of respiratory tract infection-related symptoms; these are completed daily over 8 weeks during winter.


Annual surveys ask: whether or not a participant had a fall in the last month; and how many times a participant fell in the last 12 months. Diaries are used to indicate whether or not a participant fell during each day of a 3 month period; a fall is described as unintentionally coming to rest on the floor, the ground or other lower level, regardless of what caused the fall. For each fall that is documented in the diary, participants also provide information on whether they sought medical help and injuries sustained as a result of the fall.