Table 2.
Differential Diagnoses of HFpEF and Their Echocardiographic Clues
Differential Diagnosis | Echocardiographic Clues |
Hypertrophic | Asymmetric hypertrophy, ↑↑LV wall thickness, |
cardiomyopathy | LVOT obstruction, SAM |
Restrictive | Small LV cavity, ↑LV wall thickness, Sparkling |
cardiomyopathy | myocardium, Apical sparing, Severely reduced tissue Doppler, PE |
Pulmonary arterial | ↑RVSP with no sign of elevated LV filling |
hypertension | pressure, Isolated right heart dilation, PA dilation, RVOT Doppler midsystolic notch |
Constrictive pericarditis | Pericardial thickening, Septal bounce, annulus paradoxus and annulus reversus, ↑Respiratory variation in mitral/tricuspid flow, Absence of IVC collapse |
Valvular heart disease | Morphological valvular abnormalities, Color Doppler |
Coronary artery disease | Regional wall motion abnormality and thinning |
Chronic thromboembolic | ↑RVSP with no sign of elevated LV filling |
pulmonary hypertension | pressure, Isolated right heart dilation, PA dilation, RVOT Doppler midsystolic notch |
High output heart failure | ↑Doppler-derived cardiac output |
IVC, inferior vena cava; LV, left ventricular; LVOT, left ventricular outflow obstruction; PA, pulmonary artery; RVSP, estimated right ventricular systolic pressure; PE, pericardial effusion; RVOT, right ventricular outflow; SAM, systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve; and other abbreviations as in Table 1.