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. 2019 Mar 6;14(3):e0210014. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210014

Table 1. Demographic data of patients and audiometric test results in each group.

MCI CNE(n = 39) p
MCI with FED (n = 16) MCI without FED (n = 30)
 Age (years) 66.56 ± 6.12 68.56 ± 6.34 63.92 ± 4.84 0.008**
 Men/women 6/10 6/24 14/25 0.296
 Education (years) 7.00 (6.00−11.25) 7.50 (6.00−12.00) 12.00 (9.00−14.00) 0.001**
 K-MMSE 25.00 (24.00−26.00) 26.00 (24.75−29.00) 29.00 (28.00−30.00) < 0.001***
 SGDS 4.00 (2.25−11.00) 3.50 (2.00−8.00) 1.00 (0.00−2.00) < 0.001***
Audiometric test results
 PTAs 21.35 ± 5.23 18.52 ± 5.35 18.72 ± 4.52 0.079
 0.25 kHz 17.34 ± 5.35 14.33 ± 6.12 11.60 ± 4.53 0.002**
 0.5 kHz 17.18 ± 6.94 14.25 ± 7.25 15.06 ± 4.07 0.282
 1 kHz 21.25 (15.62−22.50) 17.50 (12.50−22.50) 17.50 (12.50−22.50) 0.464
 2 kHz 25.00 (22.50−25.00) 21.25 (12.50−22.50) 20.00 (15.00−22.50) 0.019*
 4 kHz 35.00 (25.00−37.50) 25.00 (17.50−35.62) 22.50 (22.50−35.00) 0.146
 8 kHz 50.78 ± 15.10 48.83 ± 21.63 40.00 ± 16.79 0.066
 SRT 22.50 (18.12−25.00) 20.00 (15.00−22.50) 20.00 (15.00−22.50) 0.138
 MCL 61.25 (58.12−65.00) 60.00 (55.00−62.50) 60.00 (55.00−62.50) 0.243
 SDS 98.00 (92.00−100.00) 96.00 (92.00−100.00) 100.00 (96.00−100.00) 0.085
Speech-in-noise perception
 SSN condition 34.68 ± 9.43 41.50 ± 19.40 56.02 ± 16.02 < 0.001***
 MBN condition 16.40 ± 13.13 25.83 ± 16.60 53.02 ± 15.17 < 0.001***

Parametric and nonparametric data are presented as mean ± standard deviation and median (interquartile range), respectively.

*P < 0.05,

**P < 0.01,

***P < 0.001.

Parametric and nonparametric data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance and the Kruskal-Wallis test, respectively.

All audiometric test results were expressed as dB HL except for the SDS and speech perception results expressed as percentage.

Abbreviations: MCI, mild cognitive impairment; FED, frontal-executive dysfunction; CNE, cognitively normal elderly; K-MMSE, Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination; SGDS, Short version of Geriatric Depression Scale; PTAs, pure-tone averages; SRT, speech reception threshold; MCL, most comfortable loudness level; SDS, speech discrimination score; SSN, speech-spectrum noise; MBN, multi-talker babble noise.