Confocal images of DISC1 (red immunofluorescence), SR (green immunofluorescence) and merged mages with DAPI-stained nucleus in cortical neurons from control (A-C), D-serine-treated (D-F), D-serine+7-CK-treated (G-I) and glycine+lithium-treated (J-L) cortical cultures. Scale bars as indicated. M, Quantification of the number of large somatic DISC1-SR agglomerates in cortical neurons from control, D-serine-treated, D-serine+7-CK-treated and glycine+lithium-treated cortical cultures (**P<0.01 vs. control, ## P<0.01 ### P<0.001 vs. D-serine-treated; t-test, n=10–12 neurons from 3 different experiments).