(A) Male and female mice (15 WT, 24 Ubiad1Ki/Ki, 50 weeks of age) consuming an ad libitum chow diet were analyzed by stereomicroscopic examination. Corneal opacification is indicated by white arrows. (B–E) Mice analyzed in (A) were sacrificed, corneas were then harvested and analyzed by immunohistochemical staining with anti-HMGCR polyclonal antibodies (B), quantitative RT-PCR (C), and LC-MS/MS (D and E) as described in the legend to Figure 1 and ‘Materials and methods.’ Error bars, S.E. The p value was calculated using Student’s t test: *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p 0.005. Dhcr7, 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase; Dhcr24, 24-dehydrocholesterol reductase; 7-DehyDes., 7-dehydrodesmosterol; 8-Dehydrochol., 8-dehydrocholesterol; 7-Dehydrochol., 7-dehydrocholesterol.