Fig. 2. Activation of LHGABA→DBB projections reduces anxiety.
(A to C) Effect of photostimulation of LHGABA→DBB projections on RTPP test (n = 14 per group). (A) Representative trace of mouse movement (black) in gray zone and photostimulation-paired magenta zone (stim zone). (B and C) Comparison between LHVgat-ChR2 mice and LHVgat-GFP mice on percentage of testing time spent in stim zone (B; P < 0.001) and average velocity in stim zone (C; P = 0.15). GFP, green fluorescent protein. (D to F) Ten-minute OFT in LHVgat-ChR2 mice (n = 9): Photostimulation effect on mouse movement (black trace) on OFT (D; center is shaded gray) and effect of photostimulation on percentage of time in center (E; P = 0.015) and distance traversed (F; P = 0.038). (G and H) CPP test for photostimulation-paired center in LHVgat-ChR2 mice over 20 min per test (n = 9): mouse movement in chamber with (magenta) or without (gray) photostimulation-paired center (G), and effects of training on percentage of time spent in center initially without stimulation compared to the first training day (P = 0.007) and last training day to no-photostimulation extinction phase (24 hours after day 7; P < 0.001) (H). (I to K) Effect of photostimulation of LHGABA→DBB projections on feeding behaviors compared to 24-hour fasted mice (n = 15 per group): Effect of photostimulation on latency to feeding (I; P < 0.001) and food consumed (J; P = 0.022). (K) Food consumed per minute of feeding (P = 0.09). (L to N) Influence of food location on open or closed arm of EPM on fasted-refeeding response in control mice (n = 20). (L) Schematic showing two testing conditions: food placed on the closed (gray) arm or food placed on the open (white) arm. (M) Latency to the first bite of food in closed or open condition (P < 0.001). (N) Consumption 10 min following first bite (P < 0.001). (O and P) Influence of activation of LHGABA→DBB on feeding when food was on open arm of EPM (n = 7). (O) Latency to the first bite of food on open arm when fasted or fed and with (+stim) laser stimulation (P = 0.004). (P) Consumption 10 min following the first bite (P = 0.06). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.