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. 2018 Mar 24;45(2):396–404. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sby033

Table 2.

Group Differences on the Probabilistic Category Learning Task in Whole-Brain Analyses

Region Volume of Voxels (mm3) Peak Activity MNI Coordinates Maximum Z-Statistic Exact P-Value
x y z
Regions significantly more active for the comparison group than psychosis risk
 Right caudate 197 12 14 8 3.78 0.0001
 Right putamen 16 14 −6 3.97 4.7e-05
 Right hippocampus 16 −12 −18 3.06 0.0012
 Left thalamus −4 −18 6 4.11 2.7e-05
 Right anterior cingulate cortex 17855 10 44 8 4.48 5.7e-06
 Left inferior frontal gyrus −46 38 8 6.59 1.3e-10
 Right middle frontal gyrus 48 34 24 10.5 6.0e-22
 Left superior frontal gyrus −22 −2 58 4.97 6.4e-07
 Right thalamus 8 −22 6 4.49 5.6e-06
 Right superior parietal lobe 2 −70 38 6.22 1.1e-09
Regions significantly more active for psychosis risk than the comparison group
 Right inferior temporal gyrus 196 66 −42 −16 6.84 3.1e-11
 Right anterior intraparietal sulcus 191 26 −50 38 6.39 4.2e-10
 Right visual cortex (V4) 757 32 −78 −18 9.72 2.1e-19
 Left visual cortex (V4) 316 −30 −86 −14 5.78 1.1e-08

Note: Analyses were also run with a cluster threshold of Z = 4.30, P > .01 FWE-corrected. For the analyses of regions significantly more active for the comparison group than psychosis risk, the results were largely similar, except that the hippocampus was no longer significantly activated. For the analyses of regions significantly more active for psychosis risk than the comparison group, there were no clusters of significant activation.