Figure 4.
Results of Experiment 2. (a) Individual subjects’ psychometric function in Experiment 2A (low contrast; n = 15). The white circles represent the duration perceived as one second for each subject, and the vertical lines indicate an actual one second. (b) Individual subjects’ psychometric function in Experiment 2B (high contrast; n = 8). (c) The bars represent the population modes for the duration perceived as one second and the error bars represent 95% credible intervals. The horizontal line indicates an actual one second. The duration perceived as one second was significantly longer than an actual one second in Experiment 2A (mode = 1.29 s, 95% credible interval = [1.16, 1.44]). Similar trend was found in Experiment 2B (mode = 1.15 s, 95% credible interval = [0.96, 1.34]).