Fig. 4.
Pattern similarity analysis. a A regression analysis on the PSA matrices showed strong within-stimulus coding in all ROIs except mOFC, and within-stimulus coding was significantly stronger in the hippocampus relative to other regions. The y-axis shows the regression weights from a within-stimulus regressor on the PSA matrix of each ROI. b PHc, PRc, IFS, and mOFC showed increased similarity for pairs of stimuli that shared features and significantly more similarity for these pairs than the hippocampus, consistent with pattern-separated representations in the hippocampus. The triangles show an average similarity for pairs of stimuli sharing features, whereas the stars show the average similarity for pairs of stimuli not sharing features. The orange dots depict regression weights from an overlapping-versus-non-overlapping stimuli regressor on the between-stimuli correlations from the PSA matrix of each ROI. Green violins show the null distributions of regression coefficients from 10,000 randomly permuted PSA matrices. Source data are provided as a Source Data file