Fig. 6.
Pattern content analysis. a Neural predictions: top panel shows putative neural ensembles in high-level sensory cortex (parahippocampal, PHc; perirhinal, PRc) for task stimuli. Two-feature stimulus should be represented as union of responses to component features. The lower panel shows putative neural ensembles in the hippocampus; the neural representation of two-feature conjunctions should be orthogonal to responses to its component features. b Hippocampal patterns were less similar to feature templates than PRc and PHc representations, consistent with increased conjunctive coding. In the hippocampus, pattern similarity to templates was higher for single-feature than two-feature stimuli, consistent with increased pattern separation for stimuli with multiple task-relevant features. PRc and PHc showed increased similarity for two-feature relative to one-feature stimuli. Source data are provided as a Source Data file