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. 2018 Nov 2;7(21):e009777. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.118.009777

Table 1.

Medications Used in Swine for the Duration of the Study, Segregated into Those Relevant to the Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation Induction Procedure and Those Relevant to the Mitral Valve Repair Procedure

Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation Procedure Mitral Valve Repair Procedure
Drug Dosage/Frequency Route Purpose Drug Dosage/Frequency Route Purpose
Amiodarone 600 mg SID, 3 d prior PO Anti‐arrhythmic Aspirin 81 mg SID, 3 d prior PO Anti‐platelet
Aspirin 81 mg SID, 3 d prior PO Anti‐platelet Plavix 75 mg SID, 3 d prior PO
Plavix 75 mg SID, 3 d prior PO Solumedrol 200 to 500 mg, once IV Anti‐inflammatory
Ketamine 22 mg/kg, once IM Sedative cocktail Cefazolin 22 to 25 mg/kg, once before surgery and then PRN IV Antibiotic
Acepromazine 1.1 mg/kg, once IM Carprofen 3 mg/kg, once before surgery and then PRN IV NSAID
Atropine 0.05 mg/kg, once IM Ketamine 22 mg/kg, once IM Sedative cocktail
Isoflurane 1% to 2% in 100% oxygen Inhalant Anesthetic Acepromazine 1.1 mg/kg, once IM
Amiodarone 8 mg/kg IV Anti‐arrhythmic Atropine 0.05 mg/kg, once IM
Cefazolin 22 to 25 mg/kg IV Antibiotic Isoflurane 1% to 2% in 100% oxygen Inhalant Anesthetic
Carprofen 3 mg/kg IV NSAID Euthasol 80 mEq IV Termination

IV indicates intra venous; IM, intra muscular; PO, per os (i.e. drug given orally); PRN, pro re nata (as needed); SID, Semel in Die (once a day).