Fig. 4.
PKD2 and PKD3 promote SCF, CCL5 and CCL11 expression through Erk1/2 signaling pathways. a-b Interaction of PKD2 or PKD3 with Erk1/2 was performed by co-IP assay in PC-3 M or DU145 prostate cancer cells. c-d DU145 cells (c) or PC-3 M cells (d) were transfected as indicated and treated with 100 nM PMA, phosphorylation and protein expression were detected by western blotting. e Overexpression efficiency of PKD2 and PKD3 in prostate cancer cells was verified by Western blotting. f ELISA were applied to measure SCF in conditional medium from DU145 cell transfected with GFP, GFP-PKD2, and GFP-PKD3 in present with or without Erk inhibitor PD98059(PD) treatment. g Real-time PCR was performed to analyze ccl5 expression in DU145 transfected with GFP, GFP-PKD2 and GFP-PKD3 plasmids followed by treatment with or without Erk inhibitor PD98059