Figure 3.
Wildtype Shep E but not Shep ERRM mutant rescues enhancer blocking antagonism of shep mutant and its synthetic lethality with mod(mdg4)u1. A. Schematic diagram and scoring of ct6 reporter activities. A gypsy retrotransposon situated between the ct promoter and enhancer disrupts ct expression and wing development. Insulator activity for ct6 was scored in female wings of indicated genotypes on a scale of 0-3. “0”, no notching; “1”, slight notching in distal tip of wing; “2”, moderate notching throughout distal proportion of wing; “3”, extensive notching in both distal and proximal wing. N represents the total number of flies scored. UAS-shep E or UAS-shep ERRM was driven with Ser::Gal4 driver. Kruskal-Wallis Test was performed (χ2df = 3 = 166.61, p-value < 2.2e-16) followed by post hoc pairwise Wilcox-Mann-Whitney U-tests. Statistical significance cutoff of Bonferroni-corrected p value was 0.05. B. Viability was scored in female flies of indicated genotypes. N represents the examined sample size for each genotype. UAS-shep E or UAS-shep ERRM was driven with Ser::Gal4 driver in homozygous mod(mdg4)u1 background. Pearson’s Chi Squared Test was performed (χ2df = 3 = 469.52, p-value < 2.2e-16) followed by post hoc pairwise Fisher’s Exact Tests. Statistical significance cutoff of Bonferroni-corrected p value was 0.05.