Table 1:
Risk factors/Populations | Assessment settings | Interventions for prevention, identification, and bridging to specialized treatment for OUD* |
Acute presentations - Overdose reversals - ED complications (infection, injury) - Entering SUD treatment - Inpatient/residential/outpatient - Criminal Justice involvement |
-Emergency departments -Hospitals -Substance abuse treatment -Criminal justice settings |
-Urine drug screens -Harm reduction services -Overdose prevention training and reversals -Warm hand-offs to treatment -Supervised MOUD induction (e.g. from ED) -Police referrals to treatment (e.g. PAARI, LEAD) |
Patients using opioids
High Risk - >90mg MEQ daily - Receiving LTOT for non-cancer pain - Prior acute presentation - Prior SUD treatment/diagnosis - Psychiatric comorbidity At Risk - Family History of SUD - Young male adults (age 18–35) - Active risky substance use |
-Pain clinics -Physician offices -Primary care -Behavioral health clinics -Adolescent health programs -Outreach programs -Employee assistance programs -Schools |
-Frequent clinical assessments -Alternative treatments for chronic pain (e.g. non-opioid, non-pharmacologic) -Urine drug screens (random) -Prescriber guidelines -Academic detailing of physicians -Pill counts -Refill limits -PDMPs -Naloxone distribution -SBIRT -Targeted prevention programs |
General population -Ages 12+ |
-Public venues -Social media -Primary care -Schools |
-Resiliency enrichment programs (e.g. Lifeskills) -Health promotion and skills training -Public service announcements -Drug take-backs |
Interventions may be relevant to multiple populations but are listed once alongside the category most relevant for simplicity. MOUD= Medications for Opioid Use Disorder; OUD= Opioid Use Disorder; ED=Emergency Department; PAARI= Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative; LEAD= Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion; MEQ= Morphine Equivalents (mg); LTOT=Long term opioid therapy; SUD= Substance Use Disorder; PDMP=Prescription Drug Monitoring Program; SBIRT= Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment