Figure 6.
slc26a6−/− mice develop NaCl-independent hypertension during activity. (A) BP measured by telemetry is higher in slc26a6−/− mice during activity hours, as compared with their WT littermates (six mice in each group, an average of 5 days). BP was further monitored in the same mice fed with either (B) high- or (C) low-salt diets. BP in mice fed a high-salt diet was the same in WT and slc26a6−/− mice, and a low-salt diet had no further effect. (D) BP was monitored in slc26a6−/− mice and their WT littermates during mild physical stress. The inset shows the average systolic BP at the steady state (four to five mice in each group, an average of 3 days). *P<0.05, **P<0.005, ***P<0.001.