Table 2.
Varied Model Parameter Values
Parameter Description | Symbol | Base Case | Range | Source |
Transmission parameter | β | .3 | .05–.5 | [16] |
Vaccine efficacy (initial) | e | .95 | .8–1 | [15, 16, 23, 24] |
Reduction in risk of infection for vaccinated (and protected) individuals | e p | 1 | .5–1 | [25] |
Duration of protection from vaccination | 1/ω1 | 19.2 years | 5–25 years | [16, 24] |
Fraction symptomatic | σ | .2 | .1–1 | [16] |
Fraction symptomatic for vaccinated individuals | σ V | .05 | 0–.2 | [15, 23, 25]} |
Fraction treated | τ | .75 | 0–1 | [16, 26] |
Duration of infectiousness with treatment | 1/Υ | 1 week | .5–3 weeks | [19] |
Rate of treatment-induced/acquired resistance | ρ | .1 per week | .01–2 per week | Assumption |
Natural recovery rate from first, antimicrobial-resistant infection | δ 1,R | .2 per week | .1–.5 per week | [19] |
Relative infectiousness of resistant strain(s) | r R | .9 | .5–2 | Assumption, [27] |
Relative infectiousness of chronic carriers | r C | .35 | .1–1 | [16] |
Fraction that become carriers from first, antimicrobial-sensitive infection | θ 1,S | .03 | .003–.1 | [28] |
Fraction that become carriers from first, antimicrobial-resistant infection | θ 1,R | .03 | .003–.1 | [28] |
Relative rate of recovery from second infection | δ 2,S/δ1,S = δ2,R/δ1,R | 1 | .5–2 | Assumption |