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. 2019 Mar 7;68(Suppl 2):S74–S82. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy1107

Table 1.

Visit and Sample Schedule

Visit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Trial Completiona
Days post-vaccination 0 7 28 180 365 545 730 730 post–trial starta
Permissible time window, in days +7/-1 ±4 ±28 ±56 ±56 ±90 ±90
Screening X
Consent X
Randomization X
Vaccination X
Medical history and exam X
Blood collectionb Xc X X X
Blood volume ~3–5 ml ~3–5 ml ~3–5 ml ~3–5 ml
AEFI follow-upd X
Census update and follow-up contacte X X X X
Unblinding and documentation of vaccination X

Abbreviation: AEFI, adverse event following immunisation.

aAll participants will be unblinded at the same time, at ~730 days after the first participant is enrolled, regardless of when an individual joined the study. Participants who were enrolled during a census update will only complete those visits occurring between their enrollment and the subsequent completion of the trial.

bThe blood collection will be in a subset of 1000 Vi-typhoid conjugate vaccine and 500 control participants. The total volume will be ~12–20 ml per participant.

cThe blood draw on Day 0 will occur before vaccination.

dAt Day 7, a subset of participants will be contacted to collect all AEFIs.

eFollow-up contact includes: compiling a census update and ensuring the participant and family still live in the area and are happy to continue with the study; recording mortality and morbidity in participants, including serious adverse events; and providing a reminder to attend the trial health-care facility if the participant develops a fever of ≥2 days.